Multi Day Field Op
The multi day field op is a much more extensive program when compared to a single day field op. This may be a multi day backpacking trip, fishing trip or hunting excursion.

Day one consists of a muster of all that will participate in the Op. A detailed safety brief is discussed. We cover medical, administrative and fire arms/archery safety. Every Veteran has it engrained in their head how to properly handle a firearm, but a detailed refresher is always warranted.

In addition to a safety brief we discuss the plan of events for the coming days. Being that many Veterans are coming to Montana from out of state we spend time familiarizing them with land topography and structure. Being familiar with the terrain is essential. If the event requires a firearm we spend time field zeroing the weapon and conduct a hip pocket class on the operations of that weapon system.
The remainder of the time is spent navigating the terrain and conducting the adventure. Teaching/Learning moments are continuous. A skilled outdoorsman/outdoorswoman needs to understand terrain features, weather patterns, how the wind will impact a hunt, what type of terrain does wildlife prefer, the list is endless. We encourage all Veterans to ask as many questions as possible to best understand what we are doing.

At the conclusion of the Field Op is an extensive debrief. Generally speaking this is a very informal Q&A session, an open conversation by all involved with what take aways there may be as well as what new information was absorbed.
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