Condition One Foundation
To be a part of every Veterans life through the introduction to an outdoor lifestyle.
Enhance the mental and physical well being of Veterans through the therapeutic power found in the outdoors elevating the life of the Veteran, their families and the communities in which they live.
The Return Home
From the day an individual enters boot camp to the day they are discharged there is a play book. During their period of service, Veterans are surrounded by other Veterans and the cadence of life is dictated by Command. Upon separation there is a whole new world to experience. Leadership, integrity and discipline traits are engrained in our minds for life. A struggle we have is leaving the camaraderie of the small unit atmosphere. For so many years it was a crucial part of our life and makes us stronger as individuals.
The outdoors provides an outlet to return to a small unit atmosphere. This alone is enough to reset the mind. Integrating an outdoor lifestyle to empowers the individual. Creating and nourishing a relationship with the outdoors will make someone a better person.
The Founders of Condition One Foundation developed a bond together as 3 random Veterans finding solace in the outdoors. We truly are living proof that the outdoors can save lives. Each one of us can say with absolute certainty that the bonds we have formed with the outdoors have made us better people.
We want to share this experience with every Veteran possible.